Application of E-Learning for Teaching Hadith in Higher Education Institutional Education in Malaysia: A Literature Review

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  • Nurul Nazariah Mohd Zaidi Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Mesbahul Hoque Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



E-Learning, Hadith, Tool, Teaching, Higher Education Institutions


Learning Hadith is substantial to all Muslims as it is a prominent source after Al-Quran. The recent development of smart technologies in era ICT nowadays such as smartphone and digital devices have adopted a new learning style which enabled people to learn anywhere at any time. In Malaysia, most public higher education institutions already have a Learning Management System (LMS) with the participation majority of the lecturers who are using the LMS or simply called e-learning. Many studies related to online learning for HEI revealed that e-learning is effective to be used and gave big impacts on students’ performance with the various tools of teaching and learning adapted. However, some of the past studies showed that teaching and learning Hadith is a challenge due to its natural contents which preferred more Musyafahah, Talaqqi or face to face method. Therefore, this present study intends to investigate how e-learning has been used for teaching Hadith course. By applying the textual analysis as a qualitative research method, the researcher seeks to investigate the teaching tools that can be used in e-Learning and identify the studies who discussed the methods for teaching Hadith courses in e-Learning. The discussion discovered that vary tools of teaching have been used to teach the courses in e-Learning application which it relies on the suitability of student learning styles. Therefore, this present study intends to identify the appropriate e-learning tools to be used in teaching the courses at HEI especially courses related to Hadith.





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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol3no2.50
Published: 2019-12-01

How to Cite

Mohd Zaidi, N. N., & Mesbahul Hoque. (2019). Application of E-Learning for Teaching Hadith in Higher Education Institutional Education in Malaysia: A Literature Review. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 3(2), 28-34.


