Challenges Faced by Malaysian Muslims’ Deaf Community in Learning Akidah: Discussions and Suggestions

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  • Ahmad Izzuddin Abu Bakar Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Norain Hamdani Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Nur Ain Alias Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia



Special Needs, Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Akidah's Concept


This article discussed on the challenges faced by the deaf in studying Akidah. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative approach where the primary data is gathered through obsevation and  interview of several Akidah specialists,special needs education teachers and parents with deaf children. This findings then supported with secondary data obtained from records from relevant institution and past literatures.  The results showed that there are many challenges faced by Muslims’ deaf community in Malaysia particulary in learning and understanding knowledge related to Akidah. Several suggestions were also made and it is hopeful that this study will raise awareness of all parties, especially religious institutions, Ministry of Education (MOE), Social Welfare Department (JKM), special education teachers for Islamic education, BIM researchers in an effort to increase understanding and religious practices among the deaf in Malaysia.



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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol3no2.45
Published: 2019-12-03

How to Cite

Abu Bakar, A. I., Hamdani, N. ., & Alias, N. A. . (2019). Challenges Faced by Malaysian Muslims’ Deaf Community in Learning Akidah: Discussions and Suggestions. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 3(2), 22-27.


