Pembangunan Fizikal Kanak-Kanak Autistik Menurut Pendekatan Ilmu Islam dan Barat
Physical Development of Autistic Children According to the Islamic and Western Approaches

Kanak-kanak autisme, Terapi Mainan, Aktiviti Senaman, Terapi Fizikal, Pendekatan IslamAbstract
Generally, children with autism have development disorders in many areas such as development delay in the physical aspect. Therefore, western researchers on children with autism have designed and applied interventions and therapies such as exercise therapies, play therapies, and other approaches to improve the children’s physical capabilities and increase their overall function and physical participation. As knowledge in the area of autism is developing globally, modified and integrated approaches for the physical development of children with autism have been gaining attention in countries in Southest Asia such as Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia. These approaches are appropriate with the cultures, religions, and social norms in these countries. This study is a qualitative case study using the interview method that involved four teachers in Yayasan Faqeh as the respondents, and the teachers have experiences in teaching autistic children. The data obtained showed the points of saturation and were obtained in accordance with the literature. The results were examined according to themes and sub-themes. The results show that Yayasan Faqeh has been using two approaches, which are exercise therapy and play therapy, that integrate the western and Islamic approaches for autistic children’s physical development. The interview record with the four teachers indicate that the autistic children have shown improvement in their physical development.
Umumnya, kanak-kanak autisme mengalami masalah perkembangan dalam banyak perkara seperti kelambatan dalam aspek pembangunan fizikal. Disebabkan itu, sarjana Barat telah menjalankan banyak penyelidikan intervensi dan terapi seperti terapi mainan, aktiviti senaman, dan lain-lain terapi fizikal untuk membangunkan fizikal kanak-kanak ini. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan globalisasi, ilmu pengetahuan yang melibatkan aspek integrasi dan penambahbaikan terhadap pendekatan terapi pembangunan fizikalkanak-kanak ini semakin mendapat tempat di negara Asia Tenggara iaitu Brunei, Malaysia, dan Indonesia. Pendekatan tersebut didapati meraikan budaya, agama anutan, dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kualitatif dan kaedah kajian kes yang menemu bual empat orang guru di Yayasan Faqeh di mana guru-guru tersebut mempunyai pengalaman mengajar kanak-kanak autisme. Data yang diperoleh mancapai tahap ketepuan iaitu pembinaan tema yang dilakukan tidak terbentuk lagi kerana telah mencapai tahap tidak mungkin ada tema baru lagi yang terbentuk. Kemudian data dibahagikan kepada tema dan subtema kajian. Hasil kajian menunjukkan Yayasan Faqeh menggunakan pendekatan pembangunan fizikal yang meliputi aspek terapi mainan dan aktiviti senaman. Pendekatan tersebut menggabungkan idea pendekatan barat dan Islam yang mana unsur ketuhanan dalam Islam dimasukkan seperti zikir, selawat, dan syariat Islam. Malahan, data kajian yang diperoleh melalui rekod temu bual menunjukkan pendekatan terapi tersebut menghasilkan perkembangan yang baik terhadap pembangunan fizikal kanak-kanak ini.
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