Human Potential of Sam‘, Baṣar and Fu’ãd in Al-Qur’an: A Study on JAIS Integrated Holistic Education System (IHES)

Human Potential, Sam‘, Baṣar, Fu’ãd, Integrated Holistic Education System (IHES)Abstract
Allah SWT has created human equipped with various imperfections such as potential which is not given to any other creature. The three basic human potentials have mentioned in al-Qur’an are hearing (sam‘), sight (baṣar) and heart (fu’ãd) leading to a discussion of education. Education is important in human life because it can develops human potential to be in a good direction even the importance of education also discussed in the Qur’an. These human potentials must be maximizing the usage through Islamic education perspective which is not only developing human’s intellectual but also perform in their spiritual (iman) and attitude (akhlak). Therefore, a study conducted on the title of “Human Potential of Sam‘, Baṣar and Fu’ãd in al-Qur’an: A Study on JAIS Integrated Holistic Education System (IHES)” helps to know the contribution of these potentials in teaching and learning system applied by Selangor Religious Institution (JAIS). The purpose of this research is to discuss the concept of human potential sam‘, baṣar and fu’ãd in al-Qur’an that have been applied in JAIS Integrated Holistic Education System (IHES). Thus, this study has been conducted using qualitative method which generally focuses on library research and document analysis to obtain the information needed. Generally, the findings are trying to find that IHES has applied human potential of sam‘, baṣar and fu’ãd through the integration of human potential, diversity curriculum and media that have been focused as main elements in IHES. Indeed, the objective of IHES to develop a Qur’anic generation as well as professionalism in order to achieve the objective of Islamic Education Division (BPI) JAIS in producing modal insan soleh (excellent human capital) has to be known all over the country and well accepted.
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