Challenges and Solutions in Teaching and Learning for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education Institutions

Disability, Awareness, Accessibilities, Challenge, Equal Rights, OpportunitiesAbstract
Raising public awareness about People with Disabilities (PWD) requires addressing
accessibility challenges within the educational systems of higher education institutions (HEIs).
Advocacy efforts and ensuring equal opportunities for PWD demand serious attention. This study
examines the role of academic staff, focusing on fostering an understanding of the needs of PWD
within HEIs using a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews. Five participants were
selected, including academic faculty who work closely with PWD students and PWD students
from various disability categories, such as visual and auditory impairments. The findings indicate
that the ability of academic staff in HEIs is perceived as limited due to insufficient knowledge
of teaching practices. Additionally, the lack of necessary resources and support for PWD students
poses significant challenges for academic staff. Consequently, the study explores the challenges and
responsibilities of educators in incorporating specialized education into higher education. Addressing
these challenges is crucial in strengthening intervention efforts and promoting inclusive discussions
aimed at raising awareness of PWD issues in society.
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