Meneroka Amalan Guru Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Tentang Kesediaan Sekolah Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (Prasekolah) Ke Program Pendidikan Inklusif Tahun 1

Exploring the Practice of Special Education Preschool Teachers on the Readiness of Schools for Students with Special Needs (Preschool) to the Year 1 Inclusive Programme

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  • Siti Qatrunnada Hanis Shariff Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
  • Khairul Farhah Khairuddin Universiti Kebangsaaan Malaysia (UKM)



Kesediaan Sekolah, Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas, Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas, Program Pendidikan Inklusif


This study explores the practice of special education preschool teachers on the readiness of preschool students with special educational needs (MBPK) for the inclusive education program year 1. This study uses a qualitative approach. A total of eight special education preschool teachers were selected as survey respondents. The choice is based on their three years of teaching experience in a special education preschool. The study's results showed the effectiveness of teacher readiness practices, teacher assessment practices, and teacher intervention practices in determining the level of readiness of preschool special needs students for the Inclusive Programme year 1. Weaknesses in identifying pupils' problems in basic skills and current levels of development, delay the implementation of early interventions on pupils. Therefore, through this study, the relevant parties should be responsible for providing a school readiness assessment instrument for preschool special needs students with complete guidelines to assist in implementing more effective early intervention by teachers. This is because the readiness of preschool special needs students is very important to achieve high potential during year 1 at primary school.


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka amalan guru prasekolah pendidikan khas tentang kesediaan sekolah murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas (MBPK) prasekolah ke program pendidikan inklusif tahun 1. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Seramai lapan orang guru prasekolah pendidikan khas telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Pilihan dibuat berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar mereka selama tiga tahun di prasekolah pendidikan khas. Hasil kajian menunjukkan keberkesanan amalan kesediaan guru, amalan pentaksiran guru dan amalan intervensi guru dalam menentukan tahap kesediaan MBPK prasekolah ke Program Pendidikan Inklusif (PPI) tahun 1. Kelemahan mengenal pasti masalah murid dalam kemahiran asas dan tahap perkembangan semasa, melambatkan pelaksanaan intervensi awal terhadap murid. Justeru, melalui kajian ini, pihak yang berkenaan perlu bertanggungjawab dalam menyediakan instrumen pentaksiran kesediaan sekolah bagi MBPK prasekolah dengan garis panduan yang lengkap bagi membantu pelaksanaan intervensi awal yang lebih efektif oleh guru. Ini kerana kesediaan sekolah MBPK ke tahun 1 sangat penting untuk mengembangkan potensi murid dengan lebih baik.


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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol8no2.219
Published: 2024-12-01

How to Cite

Shariff, S. Q. H., & Khairuddin, K. F. . (2024). Meneroka Amalan Guru Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Tentang Kesediaan Sekolah Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (Prasekolah) Ke Program Pendidikan Inklusif Tahun 1: Exploring the Practice of Special Education Preschool Teachers on the Readiness of Schools for Students with Special Needs (Preschool) to the Year 1 Inclusive Programme. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 8(2), 87-103.


