The Contribution of Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah in Singapore to Islamic Education

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Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, madrasah in Singapore, Islamic education, education system


Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah was built in 1912. Amongst the six madrasahs in Singapore, it is the oldest Islamic school established there. Reaching 111 years old as of 2023, it contains a rich history behind how it was built, its mission and vision, the education system, and its achievements. However, there seems to be a general perceivement amongst the public who thought of madrasahs as a school that focuses only on Islamic subjects when that is not the case. All 6 madrasahs in Singapore strive to offer a holistic educational programme that aims to empower its students with a strong Islamic and secular background. Hence, this study is conducted to look into and analyse the history of Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah. This includes its background, founder, the alumni, the graduates and much more. This study implements a qualitative approach and uses document analysis. The results of this study shows that the intention behind the establishment of this madrasah is to produce graduates with excellent Islamic qualities through a dual education system that combines secular and religious learning. In conclusion, this study is able to shine light upon its significance in moulding and nourishing a successful Malay Muslim community in Singapore.

Author Biographies

Sakinah Abdul Mutalib, USIM

Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Bandar Baru Nilai

71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA

Nur Izaty Abdullah Chik, USIM

Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Bandar Baru Nilai

71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA


Nur Irdina Mohammad Irwan, USIM

Fakulti Pengajian Quran dan Sunnah

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

Bandar Baru Nilai

71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA


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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol8no2.214
Published: 2024-12-01

How to Cite

Syed Hassan, S. N., Abdul Mutalib, S., Abdullah Chik, N. I., & Mohammad Irwan, N. I. (2024). The Contribution of Madrasah Alsagoff Al-Arabiah in Singapore to Islamic Education. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 8(2), 1-14.


