Factors Influencing the Teaching Practices of In-service Teachers in Inclusive Education: A Systematic Review
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Inclusive education, In-service teachers, Self-efficacy, Attitudes, StrategiesAbstract
Inclusive education is a new educational trend and its development is being refined in countries worldwide. This study provided a systematic review of the factors that influence the teaching practices of in-service teachers in inclusive education. This study was analyzed using a PRISMA-based systematic analysis approach by searching two databases, Web of Science and Scopus, for relevant literature from 2014 to 2023. Twenty-seven articles were finally selected for inclusion in the study. The results showed that factors influencing the teaching practices of in-service teachers in inclusive education include teachers’ self-efficacy, teachers’ attitudes and teachers’ teaching strategies. Also, the existing literature has revealed a need for more training for teachers in inclusive education. To sum up, it is believed that there is more room to improve the professional development of in-service teachers in inclusive education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Miaomiao Wu, Dorothy DeWitt, Nor Nazrina Mohamad Nazry, Norlidah Alias, Yuliang Jiao
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