أهمية لغة الجسد في التعامل مع الأطفال في ضوء السنة النبوية مقاربة سيكولوجية
The significance of body language in the context of dealing with children according to Sunnah Nabawiyah, A Psychological Perspective
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Body Language, Children, Psychology, Touching and Wiping, Behavioural Disorders, Human CommunicationAbstract
This academic research explores how the Prophet's Sunnah can be used to convey nonverbal communication, highlighting its significant impact on the psychological development of children -a crucial group in society. The researcher argues that key stakeholders, such as parents and educators, may not have the necessary expertise in this area, which justifies the selection of this topic. The researcher collected hadiths of the Prophet that had implicit or explicit indications of nonverbal communication as a part of the inductive method. Later, he utilized the analytical method by referring to various sources from the Prophetic Sunnah and psychological literature. Research has revealed that touching and wiping a child can create feelings of affection and comfort, as well as prevent behavioural problems in adolescence. Also, body language can be used as an effective teaching method that conveys more information than words alone.
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