Pembelajaran Braille Berasaskan Web bagi Pelajar Celik Penglihatan

Web-Based Braille Learning for Sighted Learners

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  • Syazwani Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Norakyairee Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Ahmad Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)



Website, Braille, Teaching, Learning, Braille Hijaiyyah


Education and electronic technology known as e-learning, m-learning or mobile learning is a combination of web-based learning elements. Technology is now making web-based learning and teaching processes more widespread among educators and students. This is in line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which involves the Internet of Things (IoT) almost every aspect of daily life leads to the use of information technology (IT). No exception, Braille learning among sighted students also needs to be emphasized in this revolution. This study aims to identify the Braille learning website in Malaysia, to examine the design of the development of the Braille learning website in Malaysia and to explore the use and function of the website. This qualitative study uses a document analysis approach. The findings show that there are two websites developed for learning Braille in Malaysia, namely eKodBrailleBM and eBrailleHjjaiyyah.


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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol7no1.184
Published: 2023-06-01

How to Cite

Abd Aziz, N. S. ., Mohd Raus, N., & Mohamed, A. K. . (2023). Pembelajaran Braille Berasaskan Web bagi Pelajar Celik Penglihatan : Web-Based Braille Learning for Sighted Learners. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 7(1), 30-38.


