(MTNP) قواعد التعليم والتعلم في علم القراءات : دراسة ميدانية في معهد التحفيظ بولاية بهانج

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  • Mohammad Ibrahim Md. Khalis Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  • Syed Mohd. Chaedar Syed Abdoerahman Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia




Teaching and learning method, Qiraat, Maahad Tahfiz Negeri Pahang (MTNP)


This study provides a good basis for the teaching and learning method for qiraat. Research in qiraat does not stop at the end because the qiraat mean the words of God Almighty. The written of this article is to explain the teaching and learning method for qiraat subject at Maahad Tahfiz Negeri Pahang (MTNP) as it is a major subject aside al-Qur‘an been teach in the institution. In addition, the writer also aims to improve the methods used by lectures at MTNP. The study employed qualitative research design with interview and observation as the method in collecting data. The finding showed lecturers at MTNP used multiple techniques and strategies to ensure the students understanding on the qiraat subject is at an excellent level even though the lecturers is still using the classical techniques which are talaqqi and musyafahah as it becomes the key of success from the previous years. The teaching and learning method applied in MTNP is at a good level with the engagement of the students in teaching and learning process that took place and make the condition of teaching and learning is at conducive level.



DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol2no2.18
Published: 2018-12-01

How to Cite

Md. Khalis, M. I., & Syed Abdoerahman, S. M. C. (2018). (MTNP) قواعد التعليم والتعلم في علم القراءات : دراسة ميدانية في معهد التحفيظ بولاية بهانج. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 2(2), 46-55. https://doi.org/10.33102/jqss.vol2no2.18


