منهجية مراجعة الدراسات السابقة في البحث العلميّ وأخطاء الباحثين: أُنمُوذَجات من الدّراسات القرآنية (Methodology of Writing The Literature Review In The Scientific Research And The Researchers’ Mistakes: A Samples From Qurʾānic Studies)
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Methodology, Literature review, Researchers' Mistakes, Articles, Universities’ Theses, Qur’ānic studiesAbstract
The quality of scientific research stems from the quality of literature review, and its quality fails in the absence of a scientific methodology in dealing with previous studies; which represents a strong support for scientific research. The scientific research is not distinguished unless the researcher is a good reader; so the more the researcher delves into reading and takes enough time in it, the more he excels in the scientific research. Hence, the expert academician realizes that the most dangerous thing that the researchers may fall into the beginning of their researches; is neglecting the previous studies during the scientific research process, which makes their starting ambiguous, repetition to previous ideas, lacking credibility, reliability, fairness and vulnerable to criticism or evaluation. Therefore, this research seeks to implement sound methodology in order to write the literature review, and then to indicate the methodological errors, in particular the Qur’ānic studies through samples from the Universities’ Theses and articles. By employing the inductive and analytical method. The research concluded six methodologies that helps in writing the literature review professionally, then discussing the common mistakes among researchers while writing the literature review.
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