The Effects of Warm Colour on Memorization of Arabic Words

Kesan Warna Panas Terhadap Proses Menghafaz Perkataan Berbahasa Arab

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  • Norwardatun Mohamed Razali USIM



Warm Colour, Arabic Words, Colour, Memorization


This study was conducted to examine whether warm colour had effects on memorization of Arabic words. Participants involved were 90 students from a private religious secondary school in Perak. They were each given a set of paper consisting of one Surah; with six words been highlighted with warm colour (red and yellow), cool colour (green and blue) or white colour background. The paper also contained the meaning of each word in Arabic, which were extracted from exegesis book Tafsir al-Jalalain. The participants were given fifteen minutes to memorize the list of words and their meaning in Arabic language. The percentage of words recalled correctly were the dependent variable. It was hypothesized that participants who received warm-coloured set could recall more Arabic words than participants who received either the cool-coloured set or the white set. A paired sample t-test and Wilcoxon test were conducted and the results indicated that there was not a statistically significant difference in percentage of words recalled based on paper set. Possible explanations were examined.

Keywords: Warm Colour, Arabic Words, Colour, Memorization



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DOI: 10.33102/jqss.vol6no2.161
Published: 2022-12-01

How to Cite

Mohamed Razali, N. (2022). The Effects of Warm Colour on Memorization of Arabic Words : Kesan Warna Panas Terhadap Proses Menghafaz Perkataan Berbahasa Arab. Journal of Quran Sunnah Education & Special Needs, 6(2), 1-10.


