Educational values of marital dialogues in the Holy Quran
القيم التربوية للحوارات الزوجية في القرآن الكريم

Education, Values, Marital DialogueAbstract
The aim of this research, by extrapolating the verses of the Noble Qur’an, is to elicit educational values; Because of their importance in our lives and our contemporary reality, whether they are faith, moral, humanitarian or social, through the study of the dialogues that took place between spouses, which the Holy Qur’an presented as models, including the positive ones; In order to emulate it in the proper application of dialogue and the creation of values, including other negative models that did not adhere to dialogue or values; In order to alienate and warn against it, and for this reason, the researcher used the inductive-analytical method. The research tried to focus on the role of the family in the application of dialogue values and the creation of them, and then instilling and developing them in its members; To create a family and a generation that believes in dialogue as conviction and practice, and one of the most important results of this research was to confirm that the Holy Qur’an is full of family dialogues, indicating the Qur’an’s interest in dialogue as a humanitarian principle, and indicates the Qur’an’s interest in family cohesion and its commitment to values and morals. To focus in their lessons, sermons and sermons on establishing the principle of family dialogue, and paying attention to values and instilling them in the hearts of the children of Muslim families.
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