Analysis of Muzakkar and Maunnath in Kawniyyat Words: Sura At-Takwir

Muzakkar, Muannath, Kawniyyat, Sura At-Takwir, Genius INAQAbstract
The usage of gender, or muzakkar and muannath, in the Al-Quran is still one of the active discussions nowadays. However, there are still no available studies or analysis being conducted for muzakkar and muannath in sura at-Takwir. Therefore, this study is designed to analyse the categories of muzakkar and muannath of kawniyyat words in sura at-Takwir. Sura at-Takwir, which contains 139 words, is analysed qualitatively by using content analysis and categorising the kawniyyat words into four categories; muzakkar haqiqiyy, muzakkar majaziyy, muannath haqiqiyyy and muannath majaziy. It has been found that there is a total of 79 nouns in sura at-Takwir, with 20 of them are kawniyyat words. Among these 20 kawniyyat words, one word is categorised as muzakkar haqiqiyy, 6 words categorised as muzakkar majaziyy, 3 words in muannath haqiqiyy, and 10 words are categorised as muannath majaziyy. All in all, this study is expected to increase the understanding and knowledge in linguistic studies in the Al-Quran.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maryam Mokhtar, Aisyah Humairaa Muhammad Faisal, Tg Ainul Farha Tg Abdul Rahman

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