Amalan Taksonomi Program Transisi ke Arah Pelaksanaan Program Transisi Kerjaya Terhadap Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK)
Taxonomy Practice of the Transition Program Towards the Implementation of the Career Transition Program for Students with Special Needs

Taksonomi Program Transisi, Program Transisi Kerjaya, Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK)Abstract
Getting job opportunities is the biggest challenge for students with special needs in Malaysia and the transformation through the Career Transition Programme has proven successful in training them to work. This study based on two (2) main objectives namely to identify the level of Transition Program Taxonomy and identify the demographic relationship of respondents with the level of Transition Program Taxonomy towards the implementation of Career Transition Programme for special needs students. Quantitative methods in the form of survey studies using Ecological Theory and Taxonomy Model of Transition Program as well as questionnaires adapted from Team Planning Tool for Improving Transition Education and Services (Paula D. Kohler). The findings of the study showed a very high and high level of mean scores on the five practices in the Transition Program Taxonomy. Meanwhile, there is a linear relationship (at a very high level) between the demographics of the respondents with the Transition Program Taxonomy in the implementation of the Career Transition Programme for special needs students. The implications of the study focus on theories and models related to the study and policies that have a positive and effective impact on researchers other than the readers. In conlusion, the Career Transition Programme should be implemented comprehensively in government and non-government aided schools, especially in the Special Education Integration Program and the cooperation of all parties involved is very important in planning the direction of program implementation effectively also efficiently.
Keywords: Transition Program Taxonomy, Career Transition Programme, Special Needs Students
Mendapat peluang pekerjaan merupakan cabaran paling besar bagi Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK) di Malaysia dan transformasi melalui Program Transisi Kerjaya yang dijalankan terbukti berjaya melatih mereka untuk bekerja. Kajian ini berdasarkan dua (2) objektif utama iaitu mengenal pasti tahap Taksonomi Program Transisi dan mengenal pasti hubungan demografi responden dengan tahap Taksonomi Program Transisi ke arah pelaksanaan Program Transisi Kerjaya terhadap Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK). Kaedah kuantitatif berbentuk kajian tinjauan menggunakan Teori Ekologi dan Model Taksonomi Program Transisi serta soal selidik diadaptasi daripada Team Planning Tool for Improving Transition Education and Services (Paula D. Kohler). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap skor min yang sangat tinggi dan tinggi mengenai kelima-lima amalan di dalam Taksonomi Program Transisi. Manakala, terdapat hubungan linear (pada tahap sangat tinggi) antara demografi responden dengan Taksonomi Program Transisi. Implikasi kajian berfokus kepada teori dan model yang berkaitan dengan kajian dan polisi yang memberi kesan positif serta berkesan terhadap pengkaji selain daripada para pembaca. Kesimpulannya, Program Transisi Kerjaya wajar dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh di sekolah-sekolah bantuan kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan khususnya dalam Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi (PPKI) serta kerjasama semua pihak yang terlibat sangat penting dalam merancang hala tuju pelaksanaan program secara efektif serta berkesan.
Kata kunci: Taksonomi Program Transisi, Program Transisi Kerjaya, Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK)
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