Shariff SQH, Khairuddin KF. Meneroka Amalan Guru Prasekolah Pendidikan Khas Tentang Kesediaan Sekolah Murid Berkeperluan Pendidikan Khas (Prasekolah) Ke Program Pendidikan Inklusif Tahun 1: Exploring the Practice of Special Education Preschool Teachers on the Readiness of Schools for Students with Special Needs (Preschool) to the Year 1 Inclusive Programme. j. Quran. Sn. Edtn. Spc. Nd. [Internet]. 2024Dec.1 [cited 2025Feb.16];8(2):87-103. Available from: https://jqss.usim.edu.my/index.php/jqss/article/view/219